Pass it Forwards
Make the world a better place
I rarely watch drama/love movies, or as I call them, sob movies. I'm more of a thriller/horror/drama movie lover.
A couple of weeks ago I however bought a movie; Pay it Forward.
The movie is based on a book by Catherine Ryan Hyde, who got the idea and the inspiration for the book after she had been in a car accident. Two men came to her rescue and put out the burning engine, and by doing so they risked their own lives for a stranger. When she wanted to thank them, they had already disappeared. After she had pondered on how she could find and thank them, she came up with the idea that instead she will do a good deed for someone else who needed help.
The movie highlights the idea that one single man can change the world. The boy, Trevor, get the idea that he can do something for someone who cannot handle it on their own.
The idea is that if someone does a favor for You, something big, something that You cannot do yourself - and instead of repaying it, You will send Your gratitude further on to three people. And each of them Pass it Forwards to three new ones. And each of these 27 will pass it on to another three, and so on.
The message of the film is absolutely amazing and definitely something to try to imitate. Make a big deal out of it, and I have decided to at least try. If no one reads this and Pass it Forwards, it is okay, but if someone does - and still will not Pass it Forwards, it is on Your conscience. I will Pass it Forwards, and I hope you will so too.
It's really something to embrace. To not only see your own concerns, but taking a peek into someone else's life and see if and how you might help that person. It doesn’t need to be a big deal, but it can be a great thing for that one you help. Instead of just talking about how things should be better or how to make things better, everyone can do something about it, and thereby create a change, a tidal wave, and some small ripples on the water surface.
Think of it as a human chain letters where a person makes the world a little bit better, to one or several others. And it starts with You.
This is an open blog and my wish is that everyone who Pass it Forwards, a good deed, writes about it in his/her blog and link their story back to this blog. I hope you’ll check this page again, and add your link to your post under comments on the START page as well. You can create an anonymous blog if you wish to remain anonymous, or you can write your story at this blog – as a comment. Alternatively send me an e-mail with your chosen signature to, and I’ll post your letter here.
Let us prove that it is not impossible, that it can be done. That the world is not as rotten as we think. Let us show that there is still compassion in our world. If we do it together.
When you Pass it Forwards – Remember to tell why you Pass it Forwards, why you are making a good deed. In this way we spread the message. When I Pass it Forwards, I promise I will tell You.
Pass it Forwards – Make a difference; make the world a better place.